Now that school is underway and the year is stretching before us with the promise of a fresh beginning and many months to work with a new group of young learners, it's also time to think about your own learning. What goals do you have for yourself for this new year? Unless you attach some ACTION to those goals, the year can slip by sooo easily.
The theme for our upcoming ICE Conference 2012 is stated in three powerful words: Innovate - Collaborate - Educate. While these words certainly reflect the mission of ICE and what ICE members are striving to do in their roles as educators and as learners, we cannot realize their power unless we can leverage the combined passion and expertise of our membership by encouraging each other to connect and contribute as well.
Here are four meaningful ways for current and new ICE members to connect and contribute:
- Watch this blog for upcoming webinars (FREE to ICE Members!) on some of the most timely topics from Twitter to mobile learning.
- Support your local ICE Chapter - check out our events list on the ICE home page and the Chapter Pages for fall mini-conferences and other Chapter events. Attend a meeting or particpate in a mini-conference and get to know ICE members in your own region.
- Share your best Interactive White Board tips, tricks and stories for our October Newsletter. Submit your article and any accompanying screenshots, pictures or other documentation to [email protected]. Articles are due by September 20. Become a published edtech author! Go ahead and share what you're already doing! NEW - we will repeat individual articles from the newsletter as blog posts in this space to provide another way for members to access articles as well as add to the learning through comments.
- Consider submitting a proposal to present at the February 28-March 2 Conference. Reprise that workshop you presented for your school or district or share a classroom strategy in a breakout or poster session. Deadlines are coming up - October 1 for breakout sessions and November 1 for poster sessions. Proposals are now being accepted in our online proposal system.
Your learning is in your hands. ICE is here to help, but you need to act upon your goals. We hope to see you soon!