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February 03, 2009


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Denise Reeder

This was the first mini-conference I've been to in a long time and it was wonderful. Now I'm hoping that the wonderful colleagues who belong to NICE will be willing to give me some help. My district wants all staff to sign an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), but I see it as a flawed document and would like to know if any of your districts have one that you are not leery to sign. The one our district has chosen is all over the Internet; all you have to do is search the following phase and you'll get plenty of hits: "Unauthorized downloading of software, regardless of whether it is copyrighted or devirused." My first objection is to the word "devirused." I have looked everywhere that I can think of and this word just doesn't exist. I'm beginning to think it is like "irregardless." I cannot locate the original author of this document and don't know if it has been used with permission or if it's one of those "free for educational use" documents. I also have concerns about Intellectual Property issues.

I would really appreciate your input, as no one knows the ins and outs of technology like this group.

Thanks so much for your help,

Denise Reeder
LRC Director
Lincoln Middle School
Park Ridge, IL

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