Oak Grove School, Green Oaks
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
The weather outside was frightful, but the workshop was delightful! Joe Brennan kicked off the snowy morning with his Keynote making the analogy of movies to visual grammar (follow Joe on Twitter @joebjr). Joe says, “Your digital editing software is like a word processor.” Joe is a strong advocate for using cameras to make any learning experience into a movie. A key point emphasized throughout the presentation was to keep the movies short, no longer than 3 minutes.
Joe drove home the point that movie-making parallels the writing process (research, writing, storyboarding, filming, editing, exhibiting) from start to finish. The icing on the cake is that students have an authentic audience. Student work is no longer a private transaction between teacher, student and circular file (read “trash can”). With video, everyone views the product and the bar goes up!
Visual Grammar:
- Sentence = shot
- Paragraph = scene
- Chapter = Sequence
- Novel* = Movie
- *Last level would require extension beyond the recommended 30 seconds to 3 minute video.
Possible products for using movies to deliver content:
- Public Service Announcements
- News Feature
- Book Trailers
With all of the talk about STEM initiatives, let’s bring in the ARTS and make a little STEAM!
Links shared by Joe:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0LtUX_6IXY (tetris video)
http://projecticanread.com/ (teacher tube video on front page)
Thanks to our workshop presenters, and to Oak Grove for hosting the workshop!
Deb Kaczmar
Storytelling through Comic Life
Jason Meltzer & Logan Farris
It’s Not Easy Being Green...Screen
Joe Brennan
Visual Grammar Keynote
Joe Brennan
Digital Storytelling using iMovie